Monday, March 21, 2011

Buried Treasure

{Went to a party last night, got approached by so many dudes simply on my attire (I had on a simple black freakum dress). I felt like I had a "thick wit it" sign plastered on my head, like I was a piece of ass they wanted for the evening. I even got invited back to several of their places afterwards, of course I politely declined. That feeling inspired this poem.}

"Hair up, sweats on,
Would you notice me?
Freakum dress, music loud
All he sees is ass N titties.
He approaches, pushes up on me
Thinks he can dive into my treasure chest.
But baby, you don't have the key
Noone does, not even the best.
A lot of ships have crashed N burned,
In search of my buried treasure.
Cause, don't take offense (as I know you will),
You're not the first, there were many others.
But as hard N as long as they tried,
None of them got through.
So what really makes you think you can??
What's so special about you??
For an hour, mayB two, what,
You make my body feel damn good??
Then you'll have gotten what you wanted,
Just like you thought you could.
Sail on, brotha, sail on
Sorry, no loot for ya here.
This treasure chest is locked up tight
Go find your unlocked treasure elsewhere..."

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