Monday, December 13, 2010

Random Thoughts From Rose's Corner

It's approaching that time of year again: Christmas. Am I excited?? Actually, I kinda am. To think, this time last year I was going through HELL and back SMH but this year, its different. I'm looking forward to presenting gifts to both of my girls, cant wait to see the look on my lil one's face since this will be her first Christmas.

It's been a long time coming but I can honestly say I'm happy, overall anyways. I love my job, working with my kids everyday reassures me that my career path is the best thing for me. Although I dread going in somedays, they always end up making me feel so much better :)

I love getting the chance to experience love again, a love so different this time around, N being loved in return N cherished for who I am, no ifs ands or buts about it. We are both on the same page (although apparently it took me awhile to get there lol) N I'm excited, everyday, to see where things are headed. What can I say, she makes me happy :) N if its only for the moment, so be it, I'm enjoying it all.

Ive come to love this lil girl so much, it scares me sometimes. When she calls me "mama", my heart melts, I would give her the world on a silver platter if I could. She makes me happy with her hugs N kisses, I wouldn't trade it for the world ♥

What better way to enter the holidays?? ♥

Love and bisous,

~*Brown Sugar*~