When 'you and I' began,
I thought we'd found the greatest love.
The kind where we started out as friends
And it grew into more, till we became lovers with a cause...
*Hold on, pause...*
As I sit back and reminisce,
Never had I felt anything as great as this
Moonlit late-nights filled with kisses upon my lips...
I NEVER wanted 'us' to end
Because if the 'we' was gone
Where would 'I' begin??
It's not that you completed me,
But together we made a whole
And without you I would feel empty,
So I couldn't wait for our lives to unfold.
"No one deserves happiness":
This statement is true
Because as I write this,
There's no longer a 'me and you'.
It's just me. And yea, it's a bit lonely
But I wonder: Do you ever pine for me??
Do you fiend for our love, the way it USED to be??
Or am I the only one with these thoughts??
Runnin through muh mind like a broken clock...
St. Valentine, St. Valentine, am I stuck on you
Like a silly young girl still in high school??
Wanting something I can never have
Although I want it oh so bad...
Guess this is why they call it
'Cause this is as much as my heart can take.
Trust, muh heart's been through an abundance of
No matter what, at the end of the day, things will remain the same...
Damn, I wish
-Brown Sugar©
Nice Piece, Queen, Real Talk :)